
Das sagen unse­re Kun­den über ASTWERK

Ava­da Dri­ving School real­ly hel­ped build my con­fi­dence behind the wheel and with dri­ving in gene­ral, and they got me a first time pass! High­ly recommended.

Sophia Jones

Ava­da Dri­ving School real­ly hel­ped build my con­fi­dence behind the wheel and with dri­ving in gene­ral, and they got me a first time pass! High­ly recommended.

Harold Green

Ava­da Dri­ving School real­ly hel­ped build my con­fi­dence behind the wheel and with dri­ving in gene­ral, and they got me a first time pass! High­ly recommended.

Grant Har­vey

Ava­da Dri­ving School real­ly hel­ped build my con­fi­dence behind the wheel and with dri­ving in gene­ral, and they got me a first time pass! High­ly recommended.

Kate Lewis

Ava­da Dri­ving School real­ly hel­ped build my con­fi­dence behind the wheel and with dri­ving in gene­ral, and they got me a first time pass! High­ly recommended.

Kel­ly Johnson